Weather in Albania

Current Temperature of Sea water in Sarandë and Vlora

Temperature of Sea water
Temperature of Sea water

Weather forecasts and current temperatures for some cities

Average temperatures in Sarandë

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Albania’s coasts have a typical Mediterranean climate. Summers are hot and sunny. In southern coastal areas, temperatures can reach over 40 degrees Celsius. Winters are cool and rainy. Although Albania has a surface area of only 28 748 km², its geographical diversity causes large climatic differences between different parts of the country. The mountain areas have a cooler continental climate. In the mountains, summer temperatures rarely exceed 20 degrees Celsius.

The best weather for example Finnish people will continue until October. Spring and autumn are not the high season in Albania. There are no crowds on the beaches and prices are even lower than normal. Cooler weather makes it easier to explore Albania’s eye-catching nature and sights.

There will be more than 300 sunny days. Rainfall is mostly concentrated in early spring and late autumn. Forex Bank has listed the destinations where you can enjoy the cheapest sunshine. One such destination was according to Forex Bank’s the solar index, was. Saranda in Albania, where one hour of sunshine costs just €4.2, compared to €22.8 in Helsinki.