Important information about Albania
Phone numbers you may need while travelling.
- The area code for Albania is +355
- General emergency number 112
- Traffic police 126
- Ambulance 127
- Fire Department 128
- Police Emergency 129
- Police Information Tel. 122
- emergency on the waters 125
- Airport Tel. +355 4 2381 600
- Lost Luggage Tel. +355 4 2381 681
- Emergency Room Tel. +355 4 2222 235
- Tirana Central Hospital 4 234 9209
- 24 hour Pharmacy Tel. +355 4 2222 241
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs update +358 9 1605 5555
- TIRANA, Honorary ConsulateBardhyl MINXHOZI +355 69203136
Albanian Tourist Office in Tirana
Phone: +355 (04) 273 778